SoapBoxSample is an online Market Research company. Our team of super likeable humans combines decades of research experience with a nimble, disruptive startup mindset. We believe in making your life easier, and knowing when to say no — even when you don’t want to hear it.

SoapBoxSample launched in 2012 as the online sample division of The ISA Group. SoapBoxSample’s initial offering was a proprietary consumer panel, MySoapBox. Over the years we’ve expanded to include a variety of full service and custom research solutions. Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020, SoapBox has provided critical support to local agencies conducting COVID antibody testing by recruiting a cross-section of communities for testing to measure the true spread of the virus. In 2021, SoapBoxSample launched the first cannabis consumer research panel, The Green Time. Our team of super likable humans combines decades of research experience with a nimble, disruptive mindset.
Custom Research
Our diverse portfolio of in-house products, services and platforms spans a universe of methodologies and approaches. That complexity is synthesized into a simple experience. Clients prompt a question. We provide a data-validated answer.
Online Sample
SoapBoxSample adapts to changing consumer lifestyles by constantly updating our communication and engagement methods. Our triple-sourced, blended approach allows us to access hard-to-reach and highly-responsive respondents.
Cannabis Research
Our unique perspective and position in the cannabis industry is built on years of combined experience in consumer market research, emerging and niche markets and the cannabis industry as a whole. As a result, our clients benefit from our best-in-class cannabis research division.
COVID-19 Research
As a research organization, we felt a responsibility to use our skill set in understanding consumer behavior, to help with the analysis of the effects of the virus - both in the short term and the long term. We wanted to make this research free and available to public, with the hope that what we have learned here may help guide us forward.

Test Branding & Advertising

Crowdsource Ideas

Conduct Concept & Product Testing

Gather In-the-Moment Feedback

Full Service Research
Comprehensive, Turn-Key Research

Advanced Community Platform