Cannabis Market Research and Cannabis-Infused Beverage: A Lucrative Opportunity for Investors?

Cannabis Market Research

Our CANNApinion Poll is a bi-monthly survey that reaches over 1,000 cannabis consumers in the United States. In it, we plumb the market for consumer preferences, buying trends, and much more.

It is one of the most comprehensive resources of its kind and accounts for demographic, geographic economic, educational, social, and many other factors to deliver clear snapshots of real consumer preferences and behavior.

Among the many topics we cover periodically, several are related to potential market interest in cannabis-infused beverages.

While it’s hardly a secret that edibles are growing in popularity, some researchers and producers might have overlooked the potential of creating cannabis-infused drinks.

Here are some of our findings from several CANNApinion polls.

Quick Stats on Cannabis-Infused Beverage
Cannabis-infused beverages were a hot topic in some of our recent CANNApinion polls, and the findings may surprise you.

For one thing, over half of respondents to our July 2020 CANNApinion poll reported that they’d be more likely to purchase cannabis drinks that contained both CBD and THC.

This is interesting, as CBD does not cause the same psychoactive effects as THC, although some believe it to carry several benefits of its own, such as improving the quality of sleep and helping to cope with chronic pain or anxiety.

That is only one takeaway. Consumer interest in cannabis drinks exhibited a wide variety. Although in previous CANNApinion polls respondents overwhelmingly remarked on a preference for sweet edibles, interest in drinks is arguably more diverse.

For instance, 58% of Gen Z respondents, 89% of millennials, 68% of Gen X, and 48% of Baby Boomers reported interest not only in cannabis-infused beverages generally but specifically in sparkling water drinks.

This is in line with another statistic: 73% of Gen Z, 83% of millennials, 72% of Gen X, and 38% of Baby Boomers expressly said they’d be specifically open to trying new flavors in cannabis drinks.

Along those lines, all categories of respondents showed significant interest in the following types of cannabis drinks:



●Hot chocolate



●Juice or punch

●Non-alcoholic wine

Millennials and Gen Z showed the greatest interest overall in cannabis-infused drinks, while Baby Boomers showed the least. As many as 95% of Gen Z respondents expressed interest in cannabis-infused juice or punch, for example.

From a subsequent poll (April 2021) 52% of respondents (more than half) that had consumed cannabis-infused drinks were between the ages of 25 and 44.

Interestingly, it’s worth noting for targeting and segmentation purposes that the vast majority of respondents interested in cannabis drinks were males. About 50% of those polled had tried them in the past – but among that 50%, 63% were males.

Here’s something else to take to heart for branding purposes. Even though consumers are willing to get adventurous with flavors, they’re not as willing to trust new manufacturers.

To be specific, a whopping 84% stated that they’d prefer to buy a cannabis-infused drink from a brand they already know. This part is even more telling: 76% of those said they’d prefer to buy the drink if it was associated with a drink brand that they already knew, instead of from a cannabis company. This might mean that co-branding opportunities are the most effective way to move forward.

Cannabis Market Research

Is Investing in Cannabis Market Research Valuable for Your Organization?
For players in the cannabis industry, investing in cannabis market research can be a highly valuable tool to plan for strategic decision making, positioning, targeting, branding, and growth overall.

Just as in any industry, investing in qualified cannabis market research can bring a number of unique benefits to an organization, including but not limited to:

●Gauging interest in cannabis products, both with respect to the potential launch of new products and changing preferences in existing marijuana products.

●Mitigating risk when determining which financial allocations to make during a given period of time.

●Settling on branding and positioning before packaging for new products needs to be designed and rolled out.

●Ascertaining size and interest of the market size in a given geographic landscape.

●Determining the competitive landscape, especially in areas with legalized cannabis use, either medical or recreational.

●Identifying key market segments.

●Quantifying projected or reported cannabis retail sales volumes.

●Assisting with forecast periods and making predictions about consumer interest.

●And a wide range of other benefits.

Contact Us to Learn More About Our CANNApinion Poll!
Whether you have already established a marijuana company or are only considering the potential value of the venture, investing in qualified cannabis market research can help you answer all of the above questions and many more.

Please consult the link above to learn more about our CANNApinion Poll and our other cannabis research services and reach out to us directly for more information if you’re interested. You can contact us at 818-989-1044 or by email at