Live Chat – Get Instant Aha!

Quick update: Live Chat now has integrated quantitative questions!

  1. Easily ask survey questions as part of your Live Chat session
  2. See the data roll in with real-time charting and respondent level data
  3. Easily probe and chat around the question, even share results with respondents so they can discuss as a group
  4. Include video, images and documents as part of any question

Announcing our newest, perhaps most awesome release – live chat! Capture immediate feedback with live chat. We provide a seamless respondent and client experience across any device and platform for easy concept testing, creative testing, ideation and more.

  1. Finally, an easy client back-room! No more sending out client invites that get lost or having the CEO search his spam folder. ???? Clients simply “knock” and you see them show up for approval. One click and they are in.
  2. Respondents can participate on their phone, tablet or computer. No software to download. No hassles for you.
  3. Include images and video – uploaded by respondent or moderator.
  4. Create pre-loaded questions and add questions on the fly.
  5. See real-time respondent status – who is online, who else needs to be invited and more.
  6. Moderate and manage from your phone, tablet or computer.
  7. Just like everything else on our platform – get a beautiful reporting interface, seamless respondent invitation and management, and integrated data across all your projects.

Below you will see the respondent and moderator experience across a computer, tablet and phone. The other image shows you the mobile experience for the moderator – easy! Any questions at all, just let us know!

Digital Journals Are Here

We invite you to meet our new Digital Journal module. At a high level, it is really very simple – allow a respondent to answer the same set of questions multiple times. We basically built our Journal module just like a Journal; it has pages, and you can write on those pages and add more pages as needed. For us the “pages” are a survey that a user can take again and again over any set period of time. This allows you all the power of our survey building including any question type, skips and logic, and more. The respondent gets a consistent, easy experience, and you get an easy way to gather ongoing feedback – call it a Digital Journal (we do!), digital diaries, field ethnography, you get the idea. The bottom line is this module allows you to easily collect any type of data (surveys, text, images, video) in an ongoing, flexible environment across any device.

So, we made it easy to get lots of awesome data from people over time, but how do you view and interact with that data? Glad you asked! Reporting on Digital Journals was a major focus for us. You can quickly get a ton of data (images, videos, text responses and data) across multiple people, over short or long periods of time – typically not an easy task to browse, review, filter and export. We fixed all of that:) We allow you to view aggregated data across all responses and journal entries in a seamless report view, provide individual respondent transcript views, filter by journal entry date, user, or question, and view all media in a beautiful interactive user uploaded media library (and even filter user uploaded media by user, date or question and easily export).

You can use Digital Journals a ton of ways, but here are a few ideas: shopping and coupon usage studies (coupon tracking, shop-alongs, etc.), rich media immersion (e.g., post a pic or video of your dinner each night for the week), daily activity surveys, customer experience services and lots more – let me know your ideas.

Please let us know any questions at all.

Updated Panel Management

Our Users Admin (aka Panel Management) is simple and simply powerful.

  • Filter and select based upon user profiles, community activity and any survey response across ANY survey.
  • Combine and aggregate data across any survey and append to any data set. This is like creating a mash up of survey data on the fly for an all new survey data set. You may find you have the answer you were looking for without even having to launch a new project!
  • Send group invites, reminders and 1-1 emails.
  • Categorize and tag members for easy segment creation and longitudinal tracking.
  • Create private groups for special invites and engagements like Customer Advisory Boards.
  • Easily save and export for any type of research activity (in-person recruiting, at home trials and more)