Cannabis Use and Buying Habits Influenced by Age/Gender, According to New Findings from SoapBoxSample

Generational Differences Play  a Role in the Cannabis Products Consumers are Choosing, and How They Describe Their Experience

New cannabis companies are launching everyday, and their success or failure will hinge on their ability to attract a loyal user base. SoapBoxSample conducted a comprehensive nation-wide survey of cannabis users, to find out whether demographic factors are influencing buying habits. It turns out that gender and age both play a role in users’ motivations and purchasing habits.

Women are more likely than men to use cannabis as an anxiety or stress reliever (60% of women reported using it for this purpose compared to 53% of men). More men reported using cannabis for enjoyment (49%) than women (35%). The biggest difference between the genders is among those who say they consume cannabis to socialize. While 31% of men say they are social users, only of 17% of women are.

Men have different motivations for using cannabis. According to SoapBoxSample’s study, they also have different considerations when it comes to choosing new products. Men are more concerned about the potency of products than women (57% of men say this is a consideration when choosing new products to try, compared to 50% of women). Quality of construction is another factor that men (30%) are more likely to consider than women (25%) when choosing a new cannabis product.

A whopping 91% of Milennials who responded to SoapBoxSample’s survey said they have used cannabis in the last 90 days. They are more likely than other age groups to say they use cannabis for social reasons. 26% of Millennials say they use cannabis to socialize. 19% of Gen Xers and 18% of Baby Boomers reported the same. The generation most likely to use cannabis simply for the enjoyment of it – Baby Boomers (44%).

When it comes to assessing new cannabis products they might like to try, every generation reports that price is their biggest concern. Every generation cited potency as their second greatest concern, with the notable exception of Millennials — who reported a greater concern over safety than potency.

SoapBoxSample was also interested in learning if there is a significant difference between age groups in the way they describe using cannabis. Overall, “weed” is the most popular slang term for cannabis. However, Baby Boomers are also partial to the term “pot,” 31% prefer this term, compared to 20% of Gen Xers. “Pot” did not even crack the top three for Millennials, who like to call cannabis “weed”(35%), “marijuana”(16%), and “bud”(10%).

The survey results presented in this press release are part of a larger study of cannabis users (N=1,003) and non-users (N=502), fielded between June 28, 2018 and July 2, 2018, with a margin of error of +/- 3%.

Read Another Cannabis News Release – In the Cannabis Market, Big Spenders Plan to be Bigger Spenders

Asian Americans More Optimistic About the American Economy Than Hispanic Americans

According to a recent poll from Los Angeles based SoapBoxSample, 32% of Hispanics believe they will be worse off next year compared to this year


Accurate forecasting for the 2018 midterm election requires a broad view of the American electorate. SoapBoxSample conducted a nation-wide poll to find out how Asian Americans and Hispanic Americans are feeling about what’s happening in the national political scene. It should be noted that there are many sub-groups within both categories, and people with vastly different experiences. However, the poll revealed that there are some notable differences among Hispanics and Asians in their sentiments about the current political climate.

Overall, Americans as a whole are optimistic about the state of the economy. Asians (41%) are more likely than Hispanics (28%) to say they are somewhat optimistic about the American economy. When it comes to assessing how they will be affected personally, Hispanics are more pessimistic than Asians. When asked if they think they will be better off next year compared to this year, 32% of Hispanics said worse while 18% of Asians said they believe they will be worse off. Nearly half of everyone polled said they would be about the same next year.

According to The Gallup Poll, congressional approval has been hovering steadily between 15% and 20% for the last 17 months. (Down from the average of 30% from the time Gallup began measuring Congressional approval.) Feelings about Congress vary slightly among Hispanics and Asian Americans. Asians (24%) are more likely than Hispanics (13%) to somewhat approve, while Hispanics (33%) are more likely than Asians (19%) to strongly disapprove.

Compared to Asian Americans, Hispanics are more disapproving of the job that President Trump is doing and Hispanics are less likely to support Republican candidates in the November election. Among all respondents, 59% somewhat/strongly disapprove of the job President Trump is doing. Hispanics (56%) are more likely than Asians (40%) to strongly disapprove. Asians (20%) are more likely than Hispanics (9%) to somewhat approve. Hispanics are the group least likely to vote Republican. While 23% of all respondents said they would support Republican candidates in the upcoming election, only 10% of Hispanic respondents said they would support Republicans.

The survey did not reveal a significant difference between ethnic groups in their sentiments toward Brett Kavanaugh, the Supreme Court nominee accused of sexual misconduct. Based on what they know so far about Brett Kavanaugh, 32% of people who took our survey said they do not support his confirmation to the Supreme Court. 24% said they do support his confirmation, 18% are not sure and 26% have not been following the topic. (This poll was conducted prior to the testimony of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford.)

Television came out on top as the preferred source of information, with 52% of respondents reporting that TV news is their primary news source. For Asian Americans, this number is lower. While 55% of Hispanics say television is their top source, 39% of Asians prefer TV news. Asians (20%) are more likely than other groups (8%) to read content/articles posted on social media.

In November, Democratic candidates will have a strong opportunity to mobilize Hispanic and Asian voters who are disappointed with Trump and unsure about the state of the economy. However, voter participation rates will play a big role in determining the final outcome, as voter turnout is traditionally lower in midterm elections. As political scientists and the media seek data to help predict the 2018 election, SoapBoxSample, part of the ISA Family of Companies, is working to provide the most accurate data about general and niche populations for richer analysis and insights.

The Culture Connection

This article originally appeared in the August 2018 issue of Quirks Magazine – Special Feature Faces of Market Research.

Authentic Leadership and Team Building Expert

Five years ago, when Jacqueline Rosales was faced with the enormous task of building a startup from scratch, she decided to start with an aspect of company-building that many leaders don’t tackle at all. She wrote the company ethos. Known as the Telltale Ten, these are the ten guiding principles that became the basis for the establishment and rapid growth of SoapBoxSample.

“I realized the first step was really to focus on what type of company I wanted to build. That’s what I was most excited about. You can be smart, skilled, and experienced, but if you are not willing, able, and genuinely pumped about working for a company that embodies these ten principles, then I am sorry (not really), you can’t play with us,” said Jacqueline.

Flash forward to today, SoapBoxSample has 45 full-time employees. They’ve expanded their product offerings to include a Full Service division, Passive Metering, and Mobile Missions and have integrated the operations of icanmakeitbetter, an Insight Community Platform.

Jacqueline attributes the company’s success to her staff. While her staff says it’s her authentic leadership style. “If you hire the right people, you can overcome any obstacle. They dive growth and success. My goal is to charm them enough that they want to become integral parts of a greater whole.”

In 2015, Jacqueline began documenting her entrepreneurial journey – both in and out of the office, in her blog, The Telltale Ten. Popular posts include No Budget Isn’t an Excuse for No Brains, So You Want to Be the Boss? and Yay, My Kid is Not a Jerk.

In the Cannabis Market, Big Spenders Plan to Be Bigger Spenders

New research from SoapBoxSample reveals cannabis spending will increase even faster than expected, as new products attract big spenders in higher income brackets


Consumer spending on cannabis products is on the rise with no signs of slowing. A nation-wide poll conducted by SoapBoxSample uncovered that users intend to spend more on cannabis this year than last year, and even more next year. The study focused on a range of cannabis consumer types, their shopping habits and the motivations behind their purchasing decisions.

How do cannabis consumers currently get their supply? 52% buy their supply from a friend, 37% go to a dispensary and 18% shop online for cannabis. (This data includes people who shop in multiple outlets.) By narrowing in on the preferences of cannabis users with the spendiest habits, SoapBoxSample uncovered some trends unique to this group. Those who spent more than $101 dollars last month use cannabis products to relieve stress (65%), and also for enjoyment (50%), but not necessarily for social reasons (29%).

Not surprisingly, the biggest spenders are likely to buy in dispensaries, where they can browse through an array of different products. An unexpected finding is that 47% of users in this high-spending group rely on recommendations when deciding which dispensary to visit, compared to 32% of those in the lower-spending categories.

While big spenders are throwing down for premium products, they are also looking for deals. 44% of users in the high-spending group look for special offers for new users when choosing a dispensary to visit (compared with 31% of users who spend $51 – $100 per month, and 29% of users who spend $1 – $50).

The survey also revealed that the highest-spending group is looking forward to trying new products. Among respondents who have not tried them, edible baked goods or candies, topical ointments, vaporizers, and cannabis-enhanced beverages are a few of the products likely to be sampled in the next six months.

To predict trends in the cannabis maket, SoapBoxSample also looked at the preferences of users in high income brackets. Those with incomes of $100K+ are more likely to purchase cannabis products through a dispensary than those with lower incomes. Additionally, users who make over $100K per year are more likely to choose vaporizer or edible products that those who make between $50K and $99K.

As new dispensaries pop up, and competition tightens, consumer preferences will determine which locations will survive. SoapBoxSample revealed that when it comes to in-store cannabis buying, everyone wants a good price, but women are more concerned with the friendliness/helpfulness of dispensary employees (59% of females say they look for this quality when choosing a dispensary compared to 45% of males.) Another interesting finding — 20% of men say they look at advertising when choosing a dispensary, compared to 12% of females.

Every generation of dispensary shoppers say they look for price, location, and friendly employees. Baby Boomers are more likely than Gen Xers or Millennials to state that they look for friendly employees when finding a dispensary. Baby Boomers and Gen Xers are more interested in the dispensary location than Millennials.

The survey results presented in this press release are part of a larger study of cannabis users (N=1,003) and non-users (N=502), fielded between June 28, 2018 and July 2, 2018, with a margin of error of +/- 3%.

To learn more about SoapBoxSample’s cannabis research, visit

Confused Robots, Puppy Love, and Super Judgy Mirrors

Highlights from CES 2018 and Why Researchers Should Care

Where can you play ping-pong with a robot, fall into love with a mechanical puppy and see inside a refrigerator without opening the door? At CES, the Consumer Electronics Show. Every January tech companies from around the globe convene on Las Vegas to showcase their products — gadgets and gizmos that consumers can look forward to one day owning — sort of. They won’t be coming to a store near you anytime soon, and a lot of them leave you wondering – who would actually want that? In the aftermath of CES 2018, many critics pointed out that most of the products on display would only appeal to two types of people – people with money to burn and lazy people with money to burn. But we don’t have to rely on guessing who would buy these things, because we can actually ask people and find out. (Yay research!) SoapBoxSample conducted a mini poll* to gauge people’s awareness of CES and to find out if consumers would actually buy any of these high-tech gadgets. (You’ll find the results sprinkled throughout this article. I had to find some way to get you to read the whole thing.)

The research industry has been accused of being slow to adapt. While analysts are locked in rooms figuring out how to produce non-biased sampling frames, people are out making robots with Artificial Intelligence. The very same robots you can see at CES. The tech industry could benefit from paying attention to what consumers actually want (something research can supply), but researchers should be paying attention to the tech industry because big changes in the way people use tech in their everyday lives provides new opportunities for gathering data.

“Alexa, let’s do a survey”

At CES this year, Google came out looking like they were trying too hard. They built a three-story installation in the Las Vegas Convention Center parking lot. They also clearly shelled out big bucks for an advertising presence that plastered the entire town with the phrase Google wants you to remember – Hey Google. Amazon didn’t exhibit at all. They didn’t need to, because every other device at CES boasted about being “Alexa compatible.” All the free marketing garnered by Amazon, in contrast with Google’s flashy displays made Amazon look like the cool kid who doesn’t have to try to be cool.

People love the Amazon Echo. They consider Alexa to be a trusted part of their family. This is good news for researchers. When people are taking voice-activated surveys through Alexa (coming soon), the higher levels of trust will evoke more accurate, detailed, and honest responses from respondents.

Car tech – knowledge drives enthusiasm

You can’t talk about CES without bringing up the cars. They’re sleek, they’re stylish, they glistening under the showroom lights. I’m not a car person at all (my car has roll-up windows), but these vehicles were really beautiful. As a non-car-person, what I appreciated about the new smart dashboards and infotainment systems is that they were built to provide the driver with more insight into the inner workings of the car, something that I wouldn’t be able to assess by opening the hood.

As car manufacturers are scrambling to bring the first self-driving cars to market, they also have to convince people that self-driving cars are safe. Last quarter SoapBoxSample published the results of an internal study on the public’s perception of self-driving cars. Almost half of those surveyed believe that self-driving cars are dangerous and would not feel comfortable sharing the road with them. Only 28% said they looked forward to owning one. Developing smart dashboards that give drivers detailed information about how the car is operating is one way that car manufacturers can combat negative views of their product’s safety.

Related: Who’s in the Driver’s Seat? An Infographic About Self-driving Cars

Beauty tech – look better, feel worse

I tried out the HiMirror, one of CES’s #beautytech products. The HiMirror measures your pores, dark spots, wrinkles and dark circles. Just what women need, right? A super judgy mirror. Their marketing promised that the in-depth analysis would result in better “skin care goal-setting”. But what is the goal, to stop aging, or to sell products? The next generation of the HiMirror will probably show targeted ads for skin care products. I think I would rather skip the recommended products, and not know that my dark circles had increased by 3%. Turns out most people agree with me. Our poll showed that 68% of respondents would not want to use a high-tech mirror that measures skin imperfections.

It’s not so much consumer electronics, as it is competitive electronics

Is there really a consumer demand for a laundry-folding robot the size of a washing machine that requires you to manually tag each item of clothing you own, and can only fold adult-sized clothing? (And by the way, it takes longer than folding by hand.) Of the nearly 1,000 people who answered our poll, 79% said no thank you to the $980 laundry-folding robot.

Are the companies that produce these robots more focused on giving consumers what they want, or trying to out-do their competitors? What you might notice about this year’s line of robots is that their designs are very similar. White casing, black trim — almost without exception. Did the robot manufacturers forget to do their competitive analysis? (Shameless plug – did you know that SoapBoxSample’s passive metering application is great for understanding how people interact with your brand’s competition online?)

Can Americans fall in love with a robot dog?

I’m not a dog person, or even a pet person, so I didn’t expect to catch feelings for SONY’s robot dog Aibo. But it won me over instantly. Aibo is life-like, expressive, and responds to voice and touch. Knowing that his OLED eyes were mechanical did not make them any less puppy-like. Aibo is currently only available in Japan and costs $1700. SONY has said that they expect to sell at least 150,000 units. Could Aibo gain the same type of popularity in the United States?

Americans are waaaaaay into their pets. Here are some highlights from SoapBoxSample’s 2016 survey of U.S. pet owners to prove it – more than 60% of pet owners sleep with their animals, 40% of dog owners dress their pets up in costumes, and 73% of pet owners believe their pets are “smarter than average”. Could a robot dog one day occupy the same space in our hearts (and in our beds)? According to the results of our poll – heck no. When asked if they could see robot pets becoming more popular than live pets, 89% said no.

Related: Valentine’s Day Pet-fographic – We Know Americans Have a Close Relationship with Their Cats and Dogs But Just How Close Are They?

The future is full of glitches

If robots had emotions, the Aeolus would have experienced total confusion during its live demonstration. The booth presenter repeatedly ordered the bewildered bot to pick up a remote control off the floor, which it finally did after about a minute or so. (This scenario would be nothing new for the 8.4% of U.S. households with teenagers.) But the limitations of the robot’s responsiveness are no hurdle when compared to its price tag. The company wouldn’t name the actual cost, other than to say it was “less than a vacation for a family of four.” For the purposes of our poll, we guessed the price to be $10,000. Turns out most people don’t really see the value in it. Over 83% said they would not be picking one up anytime soon.

I need a fridge with a camera in it

The ThinQ smart fridge unveiled by LG has a 29-inch touchscreen on the door. If you knock on the screen twice it becomes transparent so you can see the contents inside. But my favorite part was the wide-angle camera inside the fridge. How many times have you thought to yourself, “I wish I could look inside my fridge while I’m at the store so I can see what I need to buy”? Maybe never, but you know who else wants a look inside your fridge? Researchers. The smart kitchen of the future is a paradise for people who hate making lists, and for research ethnographers. With cameras inside every appliance, researchers can see inside the homes of their subjects without setting foot in the door, and more importantly, without disrupting the routines they are attempting to study.

Within the 2.6 million square feet of exhibit space occupied by CES, there were devices that could change our everyday lives, and some other ones that were pretty dumb. There were also plenty of opportunities for researchers. Tech companies seem to have bought into idea that they should be creating things that the public doesn’t know they want yet. Based on the public reaction to some of the products at the show, this might not be the best plan. Tech companies need consumer research more than ever to tell them if there’s a market for what they are attempting to create. Researchers should keep a close eye on developments in tech — there are lots of opportunities coming along for research to become less invasive, cheaper, more efficient and more accurate. The two industries should work together as we move into the next phase of consumer technology.

*P.S. By the way, this poll was a lot like the exhibits at CES, fun to look at, but lacking scientific validity (probably biased and non-representative).

Quirk’s January Issue

Google now processes, on average, over 40,000 search queries every second; this translates to over 3.5 billion searches per day and 1.2 trillion searches per year worldwide. The way people engage with brands and online content is constantly evolving. No single day of digital behavior is the same as another. If I want to learn about the newest fitness gadget, I search it online. By the next day, I may be over fitness and want to know how to convert my home to a “smart” home, so I search it up. Later that same afternoon, I may want a new refrigerator that can build me a shopping list. Or, I may just want to buy something mundane like shampoo (you know the kind that makes my hair that cool silver-purple color) , so I simply look it up on Amazon and click “buy now.” If brands want to stay competitive, they need to able to keep up with radical, fast-paced changes in consumer online behavior.

Brands have a great appetite for understanding how people behave and make decisions online. They need to understand their customer’s purchase influencers beyond demographic and attitudinal data; passive tracking data captures how consumers move across the digital world, allowing brands to keep up by tracking their customer’s digital journeys – in real-time.

Adopting a passive metering strategy is not without challenges. The challenges range from technology implementation and respondent adoption to understanding of the data. There are oceans of it, and it is totally unstructured. Despite these challenges, more and more clients are diving in and having success finding those nuggets of “data gold” they would never have uncovered with surveys alone. Brands need to start somewhere, and rather than trying to uncover the holy grail of all that Passive Metering can do, simply looking for trends in the data at a high level can deliver those unexpected “aha moments” brands want.

Keep in mind, consumers are complex. Passive Metering is a super effective starting point to understand what people are doing without disrupting or influencing their behavior. However, there is no one simple research formula or methodology that is all-knowing. Blending methodologies has been — and will continue to be– crucial for brands to really understand their customers. The opportunities for connecting digital behavioral data with traditional survey data, 3rd party data or even longitudinal data available through other innovative research approaches such as Insight Communities, translates to in-depth, actionable insights brands need.

We keep hearing Passive Metering is coming as the next “big” thing in research. Truth is, it is already here. It has been here for years. I encourage researchers to stop overcomplicating it. Take the risk of not knowing everything in advance, find great clients to experiment with and dive in. Remember, you don’t know what you don’t know until you know it.

Read the Full Issue